Who: Players ages 7-8 (in the future 5-6 also), ready to train with an academy that focuses on: a) evidence based b) positive environment c) passion & joy d) growth mindset.
Season: Forge Junior Academy offers 3 independent seasons, spring, summer and fall. Each season includes 8 weeks of training (Sun afternoon) and 4 internal smart (creative) tournaments to focus on development and joy. In addition, parents will have the option to volunteer in the juniors street play. Forge Junior Academy players will have the option to play in the winter Madison Futsal League.
Teams: Forge Junior Academy players register for a flexible player placement based on age & maturity. We will try to offer a spot to all players & of course communicate to players that are not ready yet. Forge Junior Academy teams will have a maximum of 10 players and 2+ coaches, two teams will train together.
Our Motto: “Forge ECU" (Every situation is alright, Courage to persevere in the face of impossible odds, Unity above all).
Program Includes: All facility fees, coaching fees, TeamSnap and full uniform.
We Are a Club Neutral Program: No conflict with club soccer, we provide top developmental opportunities, you continue with your soccer club.